Student Details

Shuvojit Nath

Link to student’s project: IMURA0894

Shuvojit Nath received his Bachelor of Technology degree in Civil Engineering from the National Institute of Technology Durgapur with First Class Honours. After that, he pursued his Master of Science degree in Hydroscience and Engineering from Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. He has worked on application of geospatial statistics in groundwater for his master's thesis under the guidance of Prof. Thomas Wöhling. During his master's and immediately after that, he worked as an intern and then as a Senior Research Assistant at the United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES) in Dresden, Germany under the supervision of Dr. Sabrina Kirschke on UNEP-funded projects related to the implementation of Citizen Science in Freshwater, Groundwater and Plastics monitoring additionally working on science communication. He is currently a joint Ph.D. student of IIT Bombay and Monash University, Australia working on "Algorithms for improving Satellite Rainfall Estimates using Surface Soil Moisture" under the supervision of Prof. RAAJ Ramsankaran (IIT Bombay) and Prof. Jeffrey Walker (Monash University). Having worked in multiple fields related to water, he is currently exploring the field of Remote Sensing and its applications in hydrology and meteorology. Besides academics, Shuvojit is a hodophile, casual photographer, and also gamer. He also enjoys geopolitical gossip, sometimes getting lost in museums or within multiple tabs of Wikipedia.