An increasing number of corporations, governments and research institutes are turning to India for research and development that delivers high impact solutions.
Established in 2008, the IITB-Monash Research Academy is a major Australian-Indian research collaboration formed between India’s top-ranked Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) and Monash University.
Geared towards PhD training on a sizeable scale, the academy brings a solutions-driven approach to addressing global problems. With strong industry involvement, it is taking the lead in solving some of the greatest challenges of our time.
Technology Bombay (IITB)
IITB is one of the elite engineering institutes in India, consistently ranked at the top of India’s best colleges rankings. Entrance is extremely competitive and it is renowned for its outstanding global reputation and highly sought-after graduates.
About Monash UniversityMonash University is Australia’s largest university with a global reputation for making an impact and challenging the status quo. Monash is ranked in the world’s top one percent of universities by Time Higher Education 2016-2017.
IITB and Monash University’s joint venture PhD program is unique in terms of size and scale. Through collaborative research projects the academy produces a highly talented pool of graduates who are currently taking on world challenges in fields as diverse as novel approaches to drug delivery and sustainable forms of energy production.
IITB-Monash Research Academy outputs are about making an impact, challenging the status quo and harnessing the combined strengths from two highly-skilled institutions. Academy PhD students work on problems that need to be solved, rather than problems that can be solved. To ensure significant and enduring impact, we operate at a scale unrivalled by any other Australian-Indian collaboration: with close to 200 PhD students, 400 researchers and 400 research projects to date. The joint PhD program attracts up to 4000 applications for up to 50 places per year. Our highly sought-after graduates typically secure employment well before graduation in leading global companies (such as Amazon Lab 126, CSIRO and Tata Group) and in academia where they are making outstanding contributions.

Our offerings
Located in a purpose-built facility in the beautiful Powai campus of IITB in Bombay, the IITB-Monash Research Academy offers joint PhD courses, and functions as a global research hub. Through this unique partnership, we strive to provide unparalleled research and education opportunities to students, industry and institutional partners alike.
Joint PhD program
The PhD program at IITB-Monash Research Academy allows graduate students from India to work with both IITB and Monash supervisors, as well as industry partners. Spending at least one year in Australia, students graduate with a joint PhD degree from IITB and Monash University, ensuring a truly global experience, setting them up for future career success.
Joint research opportunities
We are not restricted by faculty or university borders and as such, our multidisciplinary projects transcend individual or discipline-oriented research agendas. We are driven by industry need, focussing on improving the lives of people in India, Australia, but also across the world by addressing global challenges.