Student Details

Rageshwari Ramniklal Marolikar

Link to student’s project: IMURA0888

She has completed her Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, along with a minor degree from the Biosciences and Bio-engineering department. Being a recipient of the INSPIRE scholarship offered by the Ministry of Science and Technology, India she graduated from IIT Bombay in 2019. She was a student intern at Virginia Tech University in the United States during the summers of 2018, under Prof. T. Daniel Crawford. Her summer intern project was on 'Determination of Relative and Absolute Configurations of Phloroglucinols obtained from the roots of Garcinia dauphinensis.' Further, her B.S Project was under the guidance of Prof. Pradeepkumar P.I from the chemistry department of IIT Bombay, where she got acquainted with Computational studies on nucleic acids. She has also been a part of Prof. Rahul Purwar's lab to learn basic techniques of Immunology. She was recruited as a Faculty of Chemistry in Lakshya Institute, MT Educare Pvt. Ltd. She is currently pursuing the IITB-Monash joint Ph.D. program on the topic - Dynamics of Redox Proteins & Enzymes: theory and experiment under the supervision of Prof. Ajay Panwar (IIT Bombay) Prof. Lisandra Martin and Prof. Simonov N Alexandr (Monash University). Her interest includes dancing, choreographing, sketching, Learning new languages, trekking, camping, and perform adventure sports.