Research will be conducted in a team-based approach. Research in The Academy will be truly multi-disciplinary which will allow discoveries to be made at the interface of disciplines.
The Academy’s intention is to organize research into classes of problems that seeks to address a key research-theme or sector-goal.
Seven key research themes have been identified:
The projects for the next intake will be uploaded by Form A stage.
Project Number
Project Status
Candidate Required
Design of integrated RF front-ends with an increased robustness to parasitic signal feedthrough
Research Themes
Smart Materials
Monash University Supervisor
- Jean-Michel Redouté
IIT-Bombay Supervisor
- Jayanta Mukherjee
Project Number
Project Status
Candidate Allotted
Design, Synthesis and Application of Fluorescent Polymers via Continuous Flow
Research Themes
Smart Materials
Monash University Supervisor
- Tanja Junkers
IIT-Bombay Supervisor
- Anil Kumar
Project Number
Project Status
Candidate Allotted
Development of plasmonic metamaterials substrates for SERS application
Research Themes
Smart Materials
Monash University Supervisor
- Wenlong Cheng
IIT-Bombay Supervisor
- Shobha Shukla
- Sumit Saxena
Project Number
Project Status
Candidate Allotted
Towards Assimilation of SMAP and SMOS soil moisture and brightness temperature into a land surface model
Research Themes
Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computational Modelling
Monash University Supervisor
- Jeff Walker
IIT-Bombay Supervisor
Project Number
Project Status
Candidate Required
Tunable photonic crystal by 4D patterning
Research Themes
Smart Materials
Monash University Supervisor
- Boon Mian Teo
IIT-Bombay Supervisor
- Shobha Shukla
Project Number
Project Status
Candidate Required
Spoken translation systems for resource scarce languages
Research Themes
Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computational Modelling
Monash University Supervisor
- Reza Haffari
IIT-Bombay Supervisor
- Preethi Jyothi
- Malhar Kulkarni
Project Number
Project Status
Candidate Required
Real-time assessment of road network dynamics due to multiple simultaneous link disruptions
Research Themes
Infrastructure Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computational Modelling
Monash University Supervisor
- Le Hai Vu
IIT-Bombay Supervisor
- Gopal R. Patil
- Nagendra Velaga
Project Number
Project Status
Candidate Required
Application of model data fusion techniques for natural hazards modelling and analytics in developing countries especially in the Indian Sub-continent.
Research Themes
Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computational Modelling
Monash University Supervisor
- Christoph Rudiger
IIT-Bombay Supervisor
- Basudev Biswal
Project Number
Project Status
Candidate Allotted
Improved techniques for high resolution urban flood modelling
Research Themes
Infrastructure Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computational Modelling
Monash University Supervisor
- Murray Rudman
IIT-Bombay Supervisor
- Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan
Project Number
Project Status
Candidate Required
Developing New Integrated Machine Learning and Deterministic Simulation Approaches to Computational Science
Research Themes
Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computational Modelling
Monash University Supervisor
- Chris Davies
IIT-Bombay Supervisor
- Ganesh Ramakrishnan