Research will be conducted in a team-based approach. Research in The Academy will be truly multi-disciplinary which will allow discoveries to be made at the interface of disciplines.
The Academy’s intention is to organize research into classes of problems that seeks to address a key research-theme or sector-goal.
Seven key research themes have been identified:
The projects for the next intake will be uploaded by Form A stage.
Project Number
Project Status
Candidate Allotted
Democratising neighbourhood mapping through design and creatively collaboration with local communities in India
Research Themes
Design, Humanities and Social Sciences & Management
Monash University Supervisor
- Ilya FridmanXavier Ho
IIT-Bombay Supervisor
- Prof. Venkatesh Rajamanickamco-supervisor: Prof. Arnab Jana
Project Number
Project Status
Candidate Required
Simultaneous Effects of Nanostructure and Alloy Composition for Remarkable Oxidation/Corrosion Resistance
Research Themes
Monash University Supervisor
- Prof. Raman Singh, Prof. Murali Sastry
IIT-Bombay Supervisor
- Prof. M.J.N.V Prasadco-supervisor: Prof. Vijayshankar Dandapani
Project Number
Project Status
Candidate Allotted - Keerthana V
Data driven decision making for sustainable supply chains and circular economy
Research Themes
Advanced computational engineering, simulation and manufacture, Humanities and Social Sciences
Monash University Supervisor
- Prof. Chung-Hsing Yeh
IIT-Bombay Supervisor
- Prof. Pankaj Dutta
Project Number
Project Status
Candidate Allotted
At Risk of Precarity? Exploring the Moderating Effect of the Legal Infrastructure on Health and Wellbeing of Platform Economy Workers in India and Australia
Research Themes
Humanities and Social Sciences & Management
Monash University Supervisor
- Dr Toan Le
IIT-Bombay Supervisor
- Dr. Rahul Suresh Sapkal
Project Number
Project Status
Candidate Allotted - Urba Afnan
Understanding evaporative assembly mechanism of nanoscale materials and exploring assembly structure for optical applications
Research Themes
Monash University Supervisor
- Prof. Sudha Mokkapati
IIT-Bombay Supervisor
- Prof. Sunita Srivastava
Project Number
Project Status
Candidate Required
Modelling heterogeneous non-lane based traffic flow: microscopic vs macroscopic approach
Research Themes
Advanced computational engineering, simulation and manufacture
Monash University Supervisor
- Prof. Dong Ngoduy
IIT-Bombay Supervisor
- Prof. Tom V. Mathew
Project Number
Project Status
Candidate Required
Adaptive Network Traffic Signal Control Systems using machine learning
Research Themes
Advanced computational engineering, simulation and manufacture
Monash University Supervisor
- Prof. Nan Zheng
IIT-Bombay Supervisor
- Prof. Tom V. Mathew
Project Number
Project Status
Candidate Required
Domain reconstruction in Electrical Impedance Tomography problems
Research Themes
Advanced computational engineering, simulation and manufacture
Monash University Supervisor
- Prof. Janosch Rieger Prof. Jerome Droniou
IIT-Bombay Supervisor
- Prof. Amit Singh
Project Number
Project Status
Candidate Allotted Aamir Yousuf
New discretizations for coupled multiphysics models in slender geometries
Research Themes
Advanced computational engineering, simulation and manufacture
Monash University Supervisor
- Prof Ricardo Ruiz-Baier
IIT-Bombay Supervisor
- Prof. Neela Nataraj
- Prof. Amit Singh
Project Number
Project Status
Candidate Allotted
Mathematical analysis and numerical methods for multiphysics problems in diffusion and viscoelasticity
Research Themes
Advanced computational engineering, simulation and manufacture
Monash University Supervisor
- Prof. Ricardo Ruiz BaierProf. Amiya K Pani
IIT-Bombay Supervisor
- Prof. Harsha Hutridurga