Student Details

Shuvayan Banerjee

Link to student’s project: IMURA0939

Shuvayan Banerjee has finished his master’s at IIT Bombay in Applied Statistics and Infometrics. He hails from Kolkata, West Bengal where he was born and brought up. From childhood, 3 things has interested Shuvayan – Cricket, Computer gaming and the question “Why?”. To find the answer of this question Why?, shuvayan has decided to pursue a career in PhD. Coming to academics, Shuvayan was never the best student in his class throughout his school life but he has been able to improve throughout his life thereby ending up doing his masters at IIT Bombay. Maths and Computer Programming has always been his favourites and he has ended up doing his Masters Thesis In Compressed Sensing under Prof. Ajit Rajwade and Prof. Radhe Srivastava of IIT Bombay. Apart from academics, Shuvayan loves sleeping. He spends around 9-10 hours a day sleeping. Second favourite is PC gaming. PC gaming is something Shuvayan has done throughout his childhood and into his higher studies and doesn’t intend to stop. Being a lazy individual, the only time a burst of energy enters his body is when someone asks him to play Cricket or maybe Football (not that good at football).